Cut your heating Bills by over 60%
Our stoves maintain maximum heat output for over 10 hours
The best value Masonry Stove wood burner in the UK
It can replace expensive gas and oil central heating
Easily and Efficiently Heat Large Spaces
Heat spaces up to 150 sq meters with one stove.
Proven to save more than 60% of central heating bills
Cornish Masonry Stoves are Eco-friendly
Carbon neutral wood burning, cleaner and more cost effective than gas, LPG and oil systems
Lifespan: Properly cared for, it will last for generations – unlike other heaters it’s highly durable and does not degrade over time
Sustainable – doesn’t rely on insecure imported unsustainable fossil fuels.
Stylish: Unlike ordinary black metal wood burners, the unique porcelain finish beautifully complements most interior styles from contemporary to industrial to traditional.
Designed in natural white clay it can be stained, painted or even tiled – presenting a huge range of colour and designs options.
A beautifully crafted centre-piece for your home.
Our Stoves are rated from 4.9 up to 20 Kilowatts output and can heat spaces from 10 sq meters to 150 sq meters.