We have had a lot of positive feedback from our clients, a few are given below.
More can be found on our Facebook page. We would like to say a big thank you to all those who have sent letters and pictures.
“Ever since we have had it the dining room has become the hub of the house that we are all reluctant to leave. The girls find it very tactile (this photo was taken about 5 hours after it had gone out and was still all lovely and warm and it wasn’t posed she was genuinely hugging it!).”
Caroline Pearce
“We think lots of people will want to come and stay and look at the stove as well as the views!” and “The stove looks and performs wonderfully, I think every Cornish winter will now be transformed.”
Emma and Dennis Wielhahn (www.headland-cornwall.co.uk)
“We are so delighted with the stove – it looks perfect in the house!”
Adaline and Cameron, Northern Scotland
“Peak heat seems to be 2 hours after lighting.. First fire got the heater warm and the second fire we lit 5 hours later and it was probably bigger than 1.5kg as we were weighing the logs against a 500g porridge packet. – the fire got quite hot and was still warm coming down in the morning…It has been much admired especially by my step dad-in-law who is a bit of an inventor himself.”
Stephen West and Shani Rhys James
"Our experience of the two stoves over the last two winters has been great – we now understand how to operate the stoves to give a great atmosphere and warmth throughout the house. Thank you for an excellent product."
James and Marie, Bristol
​“I really like the home heater and so do all my visitors. It stays hot for hours and I have even been known to sit on top of it.”
D. Turnbull, Malvern

"A picture of our masonry stove after a year of use. We love it for its ease of use, and the knowledge that after just an hour's firing we can just enjoy the warmth over the next 12 or more hours."
Alastair Bremner. North Devon. (He has just invested in another - pictures to follow.) Note the stove pictured has 2 extra layers.

.." it has been 4 years and I have meant for some time to let you know how pleased we are with the stove you brought to our home in Bath. We both think it is the best part of a house renovation project that took us many weekends over 5+ years and still 'not quite finished'. I wanted a wood burner anyway but I am particularly impressed with how it has apparently reduced our gas bills, combined with the extra insulation we installed as part of the work we did; and some behavioural changes in adjusting to a different type of house. At the 'shoulders' of October/November and early spring we don't need the gas central heating at all and in winter just 30 minutes of CH before bed is usually enough; I am working on the numbers but I think the payback period is very short, especially as I forage all my firewood and appreciate how economically the homeheater uses it. And add to this the peace-of-mind of knowing we don't ever need to be cold. I am always finding new uses for it as well, including drying clothes in racks (so the tumbler has left the building...), brewing wine, drying fruit, nuts, veg etc, making charcoal for biochar (using an ammo box), proving bread dough. ...
I hope the business is going well - what is the waiting time BTW , as I'm often recommending the stove to others and singing its praises as a hopeful technology for wider adoption?
Cheers, Guy Bardoe.

I purchased my Cornish masonry Homeheater from Guy in November last year. I have enjoyed a fire almost every day Since commissioning, I would not hesitate to recommend this stove and company to anyone who is considering a similar project, let me explain why;
My dilemma was how to provide supplementary heat to my conservatory / kitchen. To keep this room comfortable, my underfloor heating was consuming 30 - 40% of my total heating costs due to heat loss through the large glass area.
This is where the Homeheater completely outshines all metal stoves, I can set a fire in the evening, go to bed at 10.30, the heat stored in the stone will then slowly release throughout the night, I can still feel warmth radiating from the stone at 0800, any metal stove would have lost its heat by midnight and then I’m paying for underfloor heating all night.
I love this stone storage concept, it’s not an excessive heat like you get with metal stoves in fact it’s a bit like a 1-ton hot water bottle in your house that you can give a big hug, or quicky warm up your jeans, (I lay them on the top for 10 mins but keep clear of glass door!!). In my view, this evolution in home stoves means it should be the first choice for anyone considering a similar project.
Dealing with Guy was a pleasure, he was very helpful with his tips and advice, the ordering and delivery process was also just as efficient. I would like to thank him for taking his concept to production, and I wish him the best for the future.
Kind regards
Kevin Varndell